JC Family Resources


picture-03John Corr Family Resources is a non-profit project of the Religious Teachers Filippini. Our organization’s core value is promoting family self-worth, honor, and respect.

We are named in honor of Monsignor John F Corr who was known for his kindness to the poor, quietly helping those in need. His generosity and compassion built a legacy of “Restoring families to a life of dignity” which became our organization’s mission. Msgr John F. Corr was pastor of Christ the King Parish in New Vernon, NJ for 30 years and past away in 2013.

picture-01JC inspired us to promote the dignity of underprivileged families by supporting them through our various activities. These activities are sponsored, managed, and conducted by some of the Religious Teachers Filippini from Villa good-jc-sigWalsh in Morristown, NJ alongside very dedicated volunteers. Help us keep his memory alive by volunteering your time, talents, and support with your resources. Live life as he did … doing what you can.


Intense love does not measure, it just gives.
Mother Teresa

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